Save more time with the new Generated Reports tab
Security Manager’s reporting capabilities are designed to save MSP’s time and streamline their operations by providing advanced M365 and security reporting capabilities with just a few clicks.
SkyKick has just made some simple but impactful additions to the reports available in Security Navigator with a new “Generated Reports” tab.

Based on partner feedback, the Generated Reports tab helps MSPs save even more time by providing easier access to the reports your team has run historically and allows the re-use of reports they have previously customized.
New view: Generated Reports
With time savings and repeatability in mind, the new Generated Reports tab was designed to allow your team to easily reference any report that has been generated historically.
The familiar Reports tab continues to offer a Settings menu on the right, so you can customize every report that you run. With the ability to customize these reports and also to schedule them to repeat, the new Generated Reports tab is designed so you can review and re-use prior reports.
Located to the right of the Settings tab, the above slideshow walks through the Generated Reports tab, which includes the following improvements:
- A list view of all the results for a single report, sorted by the most recent on top
- Link to view results for all reports run by you and your company, including but not limited to the single report in view
- Display of instances of this report that have yet to complete, across all customers
- Ability to download each report’s results. This allows you to easily view common reports across customers all in one place, and gives peace of mind that you’ll always have access to an online copy of each report
- Ability to re-use custom reports. Because reports are customizable, find prior reports to view and edit the settings selected so you can re-use useful custom reports without starting from scratch
- Filter by customer. By default, the view displays all the historical executions of the report you’re viewing, but allows you to narrow down the reports run against any specific customers
- Option to pop-out all views into full-screen to view more results at once
Examples of Generated Reports tab in action
One scenario where the new Generated Reports tab provides great value to customers is when you’ve won the business of a new customer. Perhaps they’ve asked how often you’ll be monitoring their M365 Security Baselines. Navigating to the report “M365 Security Baselines” allows you to review how often you’re running this report for other customers.
Another example of time savings is when you have customers with similar goals, where a report was customized by your team. Rather than making those customizations for each customer, you can pull up the reporting template within Security Navigator, and in the Generated Reports tab, find the customized report you generated for a different customer. Opening it up, you can essentially re-use that customized report for a different customer in just a few clicks, while letting them know you’ve provided a robust customization just for them.
Or perhaps a customer is unaware of the amount of reporting you are providing them in a certain area. By opening any report within Security Navigator, you can filter by that customer to quickly tell them precisely how often you are running a report to ensure they are continually being monitored.
The power of reporting in M365 security
Reporting is one of the key capabilities for running a successful M365 security practice. It’s cornerstone to selling a customer on security, identifying security opportunities, and ultimately retaining a growing number of customers under management.
The dozens of reports available in Security Manager allow partners to assess a customer’s environment, assess security risks, report on progress, and identify areas of opportunity. Many reports are designed for an MSP’s internal use, but all reports are designed with export options in a customer-consumable format as well.
In the world of security, the value of an MSP’s work can be difficult to show. Not only does Security Manager provide reports to show the value of your prior work, but there is huge retention value in making customers aware of the reports you run continually to protect them.
Feedback from Partners is that reporting for each customer becomes a standard operating procedure for their practice. But there are efficiency opportunities for partners offering different tiers of security service, each of which may involve different reporting patterns.
So the opportunity arose to make it easier to find all the reports that have been generated, so your team can locate the reports they have run historically with ease.
Finding generated reports faster allows your team to operate consistently across all your customers, repeat commonly useful reports against other customers, and at the highest level remind you and your customers the number of reports that have been run for a given customer to protect them.
Security Navigator reporting made easier
Reporting is one of the crucial components of running a successful M365 security practice. But time spent on reporting falls into the category of being an expense for your business. The simple new reporting enhancements discussed above are designed to save MSPs even more time with the reporting automation available within Security Manager.
Log in today and take advantage of the new Generated Reports tab, which makes managing and re-using historical reports easier than ever.
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